Thursday 3 May 2012

Introducin' me ;p

*I love peaceeee kekekee^^
Hi, I'm Elfita :) a typical Indo girl^^ was born in November 15, 1997. still young meh kekekee^^ *plak
if ya know me??
I ever stud in; TK Dian Islami . SDN Kuta Baru 1 (1-6C). SMPN 17 Tangerang (7C,8F,9A). and now in SMAN 4 Tangerang (X7)^^.

I'm biggest fan of Fernando Torres, and also Directioner, TS, ELF, Cieler B) but not a fanatic fan ._.v
any cold, wet ~ I don't like.. I can cook well.
blood type: AB 
The Phlegmatic Personality Type
I'm muslim ~ don't hate me :)
I ♥ pink polkas

here I'll share several significant even in my life, song lyrics that I loved so much, great quotes, and many more XD that might be fun or boring^^ feel free to leave comment :)

*note: song lyrics from L'Arc-En-Ciel only on June 2012

Contact Person;

  • ;  or
  • Gmail:
  • Yahoo! Messenger:  elf.elfita
  • Twitter:  @iamelfita
  • Facebook:  Elfita Nepriyana
  • Myspace:
  • Posterous:
  • Instagram: iamelfita

Thanks for visiting my blog :)

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