Monday, 30 December 2013


Have you ever been hurt by someone you love?  

I was hurt once.

Just the typical girl likes guy, guy likes girl, stuff goes wrong and guy meets someone he likes more. guy leaves girl. really badly... and that was my first love. so u can imagine how broken i felt inside. 

I was trying to forget him. it’s always hard to erase memory about anyone when you love this person, but i succeeded.

he came back and he's trying to apologize. but yeah I couldn’t forgive those things he did to me. you know sometimes apologizing doesn’t mean anything. just words without sense.

I understands that our relationship was a mistake, it was not a true love but something mixed up with lies, harm and pain. now I'm glad you're gone, no need to suffer any more.

you know some people are like clouds

no matter what happened to you in the past, whatever experience you had, bad or good. don’t be afraid to fall in love again. cause love always was, and will be the greatest feeling in this world. don’t deny it..

#HappyNewYear May light always surround you. See you in 2014 :) -iamelfita 

Tuesday, 24 December 2013


Hi Decemberrrr... ini adalah kondisi hp gw setelah jatuh dari meja makan. nice huh?

front lcdnya pecah, dan harus diganti touch panelnya, karena gamau rusaknya nambah parah besoknya gw langsung benerin di samsung service center (Jl. Imam Bonjol No.97 Karawaci, Tangerang) biayanya Rp.426.000 (Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-S5830)

mau berbagi info aja bagi yang LCDnya juga pecah, perkiraan harganya:
untuk Samsung Galaxy Young GSM/CDMA : 330.000an
Samsung Galaxy S3 : +- 1 Juta

Kalo rusaknya di mesin harganya bisa lebih mahal lagi Samsung Galaxy Young aja harganya 600.000an

perkiraan harga untuk kerusakan lainnya
CAMERA MODULE   : 201.200 
SPEAKER : 127.000

 Dan hpku dibenerinnya cuma butuh waktu 2 hari :)

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Human Skeleton

Hiiii Novemberrrrr :)
setelah mid semester selesai, sekarang gw dapet tugas untuk ngapalin nama nama latin tulang.. karna cara belajar gw yang visual nah ini video-video ngebantu gw banget untuk cepet hafal nama-nama tulang :)

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Kue klepon

kue tradisional Indonesia ini emang manis dan gampang banget buatnya.

  1. 250gr Tepung Ketan (Glutinous Rice Flour)
  2. 50gr Tepung Beras (Rice Flour)
  3. 1 Sendok Teh Pasta Pandan (1 Teaspoon Pandan Paste Or Essence)
  4. 2 Sendok Teh Air Kapur
  5. 275ml Air (Water)
  6. 200gr Gula Merah Diiris Halus (Palm Sugar, Finely Chopped)
  7. 1/2 Butir Kelapa, Diparut Dulu (Freshly Grated Coconut)
  8. 1/4 Sendok Teh Garam (1/4 Teaspoon Salt)
 Cara membuat:
  1. Campurkan tepung ketan dan tepung beras lalu aduk rata, tambahkan air kapur, dan pasta pandan. dan air sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk sampai adonan bisa dibentuk.
  2. kemudian ambil 1 sendok makan adonan, masukan 1/2 teh sendok gula kedalam adonan, dibuat bulat-bulat. lakukan adonan sampai habis.
  3. didihkan air dan masukan adonan yang telah dibentuk bulat tadi, biarkan hingga terapung, tandanya sudah matang. angkat dan tiriskan
  4. campurkan kelapa parut dan garam
  5. campurkan bulatan-bulatan klepon dengan kelapa parut yang sudah ditambahkan garam.

  1. Place the glutinous rice flour & rice flour in a mixing bowl and slowly add the water, and pandan paste, mixing with your hands. Stop adding water when the dough forms a ball that pulls away from the sides of the bowl but doesn't stick to your hands.
  2. Pull off about 1 teaspoon of dough and flatten into a disc. Place about 1/2 teaspoon of sugar in the middle. Fold up the edges and seal completely. Roll into a ball about 2 to 3 cm in diameter with the palms of your hands. Place on an oiled plate. Repeat until all the dough or sugar is finished.
  3. Heat a large pot of water until it starts to boil. Drop the balls one by one into the boiling water, making sure not to overcrowd the pot. When they float to the surface, let them cook for one more minute.
  4. Combine the grated coconut and salt on a plate.
  5. When they are cool, remove and drain well before rolling in the coconut-salt mixture. Serve immediately.
Dengan pewarna makanan warna kuning juga bagus kok :) atau coba deh dengan pewarna makanan warna biru, ungu, pink :P jadi rainbow klepon deh. hahaa next time aku coba

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Jokowi to Ban Masked Monkey Show in Jakarta

Berita ini sangat menarik banget buat gua untuk di bahas, tapi baru sekarang gua bisa bahas karna dari kemarin gua juga midtest dan ga sempet buka laptop sama sekali.

Gua bingung masih ada aja orang yang ga setuju, apa alasan yang logis lo masih mempertahankan topeng monyet bro? Lo bisa cari hiburan yang lebih mendidik . Monyet itu hewan, they're not supposed to be do that, lu liat tuh monyet lehernya di iket terus ditarik-tarik, pernah ga lo bayangin cara tuh pawang monyet buat si monyet nya berdiri? Well let me tell ya, si monyet di rante terus di gantung biar berdiri, parah kan bro, sampe tidur aja dia masih ngegantung.

It's an animal cruelty!!!!
Monyet, binatang liar yang harus dilindungi ini juga bisa menularkan penyakit bro, tau ga lu monyet bisa kena penyakit HIV, bagaimana saat lo lagi nonton topeng monyet terus tiba-tiba tuh monyet gigit lo? Mereka juga bisa kena rabies. Mending lo buka lagi buku biologi lu baca lagi dah.
Jadi buat lo, orang-orang yang ngaku berpendidikan kalo lo masih ga setuju sama peraturan daerah ini. Please guys. OPEN YOUR MIND!!!! Liat dunia, manusia diciptakan untuk melestarikan dan menjaga bumi, bukan merusak. Orang-orang yang masiih berpikir itu hal yang bener, kalo gitu lo bagian dari orang-orang serakah, egois, dan orang-orang  yang anggap suatu yang salah itu bener, orang yang hanya memikirkan diri sendiri yang lain mati bodo amat yang penting lu puas. lo ga jauh beda sama pejabat-pejabat yang korupsi bro.

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Rollade Ayam

kali ini aku mau berbagi cara buat rollade ayam nih, gampang banget loh buatnya.
1. Ayam giling
2. Tahu cina 1 buah
3. Royco rasa ayam 13gr
4. Seledri
5. Wortel rebus
6. Buncis rebus
7. Aluminium foil
8. Telur 1 buah
9. Tepung roti kasar

Ayam giling, telur, tahu cina, royco rasa ayam, tepung roti kasar dan seledri yang sudah kamu potong-potong. kamu mix semua. tahu cinanya sampe hancur yah. kalo kamu suka pedas kamu bisa tambahin lada bubuk.
kalo sudah tercampur rata lalu kamu taruh di aluminium foil dan kamu tambahin buncis dan wortel rebusnya dan digulung kaya bikin sushi.
kukus dan dinginkan. abis itu dipotong-potong deh. hasilnya gini

aku liat resepnya di dapur umami, hampir sama kan yah buatan ku sama mereka :) alhamdulillah aku ga gagal dalam percobaan pertama :) next time aku bakal buat menu lain pake video deh biar lebih jelas :) tapi semoga ini jelas yah

Friday, 30 August 2013

I know the rage that drives me. That impossible anger strangling the grief, until the memory of my loved one is just... poison in my veins. And one day, I catch myself wishing the person I loved had never existed, so I would be spared my pain.

A Rocket To The Moon: Like We Used To [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Friday, 19 July 2013

I've Learned

I’ve Learned…
That when you’re in love, it shows.

I’ve Learned…
That being kind is more important than being right.

I’ve Learned…
That I can always pray for someone when I don’t have the strength to help him in some other way.

I’ve Learned…
That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.

I’ve Learned…
That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

I’ve Learned…
That the Lord didn’t do it all in one day. What makes me think I can?

I’ve Learned…
That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.

I’ve Learned…
That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.

I’ve Learned…
That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.

I’ve Learned…
That I can’t choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Nem tertinggi dan terendah untuk masuk SMA Negeri di Tangerang 2013

SMA Negeri 1 Tangerang: 38,70 - 34,95
Daya Tampung: 222 
Pemilih: 438

SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang: 37,50 - 33,10
Daya Tampung: 341
Pemilih: 1.139

SMA Negeri 3 Tangerang: 37,55 - 32,20
Daya Tampung: 335
Pemilih: 1.382

SMA Negeri 4 Tangerang: 36,40 - 29,65
Daya Tampung: 305
Pemilih: 1.160

SMA Negeri 5 Tangerang: 37,40 - 29,80
Daya Tampung: 307
Pemilih: 1.305

SMA Negeri 6 Tangerang: 34,95 - 28,00
Daya Tampung: 283
Pemilih: 1.361

SMA Negeri 7 Tangerang: 37,35 - 31,45
Daya Tampung: 303
Pemilih: 1.639

SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang: 38,60 - 32,60
Daya Tampung: 209
Pemilih: 684

SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang: 36,90 - 28,10
Daya Tampung: 266
Pemilih: 1.059

SMA Negeri 10 Tangerang: 34,15 - 28,30
Daya Tampung: 269
Pemilih: 1.499

SMA Negeri 11 Tangerang: 36,50 - 26,90
Daya Tampung: 268
Pemilih: 1.064

SMA Negeri 12 Tangerang: 36,65 - 30,75
Daya Tampung: 252
Pemilih: 1.630

SMA Negeri 13 Tangerang: 36,80 - 29,85
Daya Tampung: 189
Pemilih: 1.608

SMA Negeri 14 Tangerang: 35,25 - 26,10
Daya Tampung: 230
Pemilih: 866

SMA Negeri 15 Tangerang: 37,45 - 27,25
Daya Tampung: 341
Pemililh: 1.337

Karena saya alumni SMP Negeri 17 Tangerang, nah saya pengen ngasih informasi aja nih nama-nama adik-adik kelas saya yang masuk ke SMA Negeri di Tangerang berdasarkan hasil seleksi nem

SMA Negeri 1 Tangerang: -

SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang: -

SMA Negeri 3 Tangerang: -

SMA Negeri 4 Tangerang: *Rischa Yulia Meliani: 32,20

SMA Negeri 5 Tangerang: *Alivia Raudhia Jasmine: 29,95

SMA Negeri 6 Tangerang: -

SMA Negeri 7 Tangerang: *Nada Afifah Gomiyati: 32,20

SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang: -

SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang: -

SMA Negeri 10 Tangerang:
*Refin Inezha Shavira: 29,15
*Anggi Fitria Dewi: 28,85
*Dhani Lintang Pangestu: 28,55

SMA Negeri 11 Tangerang: *Hev'mond Siadari: 26,95 

SMA Negeri 12 Tangerang: -

SMA Negeri 13 Tangerang: -

SMA Negeri 14 Tangerang:
*Mila arifa Suri: 27,45
*Riska Monika April Riyanti: 27,30

SMA Negeri 15 Tangerang:
*Anggi Indriyani: 28,90
*Magdalena: 28,75
*Diah Anistia Wardani: 27,35
*Arieska Marliyanti:27,25

Totalnya cuma 13 orang, adik-adik ga tertarik masuk SMA Negeri atau apa nih...
mohon maaf kalo ada kesalahan yah..

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Mana Mungkin Aku Setia…

Sebenarnya ini bukan tentang kematianmu, bukan itu.
Karena, aku tahu bahwa semua yang ada pasti menjadi tiada pada akhirnya,
dan kematian adalah sesuatu yang pasti,
dan kali ini adalah giliranmu untuk pergi, aku sangat tahu itu.
Tapi yang membuatku tersentak sedemikian hebat, adalah kenyataan
bahwa kematian benar-benar dapat memutuskan kebahagiaan dalam diri seseorang,
sekejap saja, lalu rasanya mampu membuatku menjadi nelangsa setengah mati,
hatiku seperti tak di tempatnya, dan tubuhku serasa kosong melompong, hilang isi.
Kau tahu sayang, rasanya seperti angin yang tiba-tiba hilang berganti kemarau gersang.
Pada airmata yang jatuh kali ini, aku selipkan salam perpisahan panjang,
pada kesetiaan yang telah kau ukir, pada kenangan pahit manis selama kau ada.
“Aku bukan hendak mengeluh, tapi rasanya terlalu sebentar kau disini.”
Mereka mengira aku lah kekasih yang baik bagimu sayang,
tanpa mereka sadari, bahwa kaulah yang menjadikan aku kekasih yang baik.
Mana mungkin aku setia padahal memang kecenderunganku adalah mendua,
tapi kau ajarkan aku kesetiaan, sehingga aku setia, kau ajarkan aku arti cinta,
sehingga aku mampu mencintaimu seperti ini.
Selamat jalan, Kau dari-Nya, dan kembali pada-Nya,
kau dulu tiada untukku, dan sekarang kembali tiada.
Selamat jalan sayang, cahaya mataku, penyejuk jiwaku,
Selamat jalan, calon bidadari surgaku ….

(Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, Habibie dan Ainun)

Friday, 12 April 2013

Harlem Shake X7 SMAN 4 TANGERANG

Saturday, 9 February 2013

I need your help^^

I love Fireflies

I really want to see them.. but...

Why Are Fireflies Disappearing??
Nobody knows for sure. But most researchers blame two main factors: development and light pollution.
Most species of fireflies thrive as larvae in rotting wood and forest litter at the margins of ponds and streams. And as they grow, they more or less stay where they were born. Some species are more aquatic than others, and a few are found in more arid areas—but most are found in fields, forests and marshes. Their environment of choice is warm, humid and near standing water of some kind—ponds, streams and rivers, or even shallow depressions that retain water longer than the surrounding ground.
The problem is that in America and throughout the world, our open fields and forests are being paved over, and our waterways are seeing more development and noisy boat traffic. As their habitat disappears under housing and commercial developments, firefly numbers dwindle. Logging, pollution and increased use of pesticides may also contribute to destroying firefly habitat and natural prey.
Human traffic is believed to disrupt firefly habitat as well. While scientific studies have only been done for the past few years, there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence in areas that were once full of fireflies—and much of it goes back generations. Some areas once had so many fireflies that they profited from running firefly tours in marshes and forests—but since human traffic has increased, firefly populations have gone down.
Too Much Light At Night
Scientists don’t know enough about fireflies to tell for sure. But the signs are indicating light pollution as a major factor in the disappearance of fireflies all over the world.
Both male and female fireflies use their flashing lights to communicate. Some species synchronize their flashes, sometimes across large groups of thousands of insects. All species speak a language of light—scientists believe they use it to attract mates, defend their territory, and warn off predators.
Human light pollution is believed to interrupt firefly flash patterns. Scientists have observed that synchronous fireflies get out of synch for a few minutes after a car’s headlights pass. Light from homes, cars, stores, and streetlights may all make it difficult for fireflies to signal each other during mating—meaning fewer firefly larvae are born next season.
Where fireflies once had uninterrupted forests and fields to live and mate, homes with landscaped lawns and lots of exterior lights are taking over. The reduction of habitat and the increase in lighting at night may all be contributing to make fireflies more rare.
Fireflies are fascinating creatures that light up our nights and bring a sense of magic and mystery to our environment. If they disappear, it will be a great loss to habitats and generations of people all over the world.

Help me...

Turn off outside lights at night.
Fireflies use their flashing lights to signal each other, attract mates and warn of danger. While the science is still preliminary, it’s likely that human light pollution can disrupt their flashes—making it harder for fireflies to find mates and breed. This leads to fewer fireflies mating and smaller numbers in subsequent generations. You can make your yard a haven for fireflies by turning off exterior and garden lights, and drawing your blinds at night so that interior light doesn’t brighten your yard too much.
Let logs and litter accumulate.
Some species of firefly larvae grow up in rotten logs and the litter that accumulates beneath the forest canopy. To encourage their growth, plant some trees on your property. If you have trees in your yard, consider leaving some natural litter around them to give firefly larvae a place to grow.
Create water features in your landscape.
Most species of fireflies have one thing in common: they thrive around standing water and marshy areas. Ponds, streams and rivers can all provide good habitats for fireflies, but even a small depression full of water can cause them to congregate. Build a small pond or divert a small stream to run through your property, and it’s more likely you’ll see fireflies at night. Chemically treated swimming pools aren’t a good substitute; fireflies are believed to eat the smaller insects, grubs and snails that thrive in natural ponds and streams, and these don’t live in chlorinated environments.

Avoid use of pesticides.
It’s likely that chemical pesticides and weed killers may also have a negative effect on firefly populations. Fireflies and their larvae may come into contact with other insects that have been poisoned, or they may ingest the poisons from plants that have been sprayed. Avoid using pesticides on your lawn and you may boost firefly populations.
A notable example of how overspraying has affected a local population is the extinction of the dusky seaside sparrow who was native to the salt marshes of Merritt Island in Florida. Its habitat was sprayed with DDT to control mosquitoes and human development quickly changed the ecosystem so much that the bird could not compensate and went extinct.

Many communities over spray for mosquitoes at night just when fireflies are active, flashing and mating. Such over spraying can wipe out firefly populations. These same communities often do not implement more effective control of mosquitoes, such as neighborhood programs to reduce standing water, especially in swimming pools, and usage of mosquito larvacides to prevent the growth and development of mosquitoes in drainage ditches. By encouraging broad spectrum mosquito control efforts and discouraging spraying at times when fireflies are active, communities can actually save money and effect better control of mosquitoes, causing less impact to firefly species and other small animals.
Use natural fertilizers.
While no conclusive studies have been done, it’s possible that chemical fertilizers may have a harmful effect on firefly populations as well—especially since many harmful chemicals in pesticides are also found in chemical fertilizers. Using natural fertilizers may make your yard a more healthy place for fireflies.
Don’t over-mow your lawn.
Fireflies mainly stay on the ground during the day, and frequent mowing may disturb local firefly populations. While you may feel that you need to keep your lawn mowed for aesthetic purposes, consider incorporating some areas of long grasses into your landscaping. Fireflies prefer to live in long grasses, and doing this may boost their population in your yard.
Plant trees.
Fast growing pine and native trees provide a good habitat for many species of fireflies. Naturalist Terry Lynch, who has studied fireflies for many years, recommends Pine trees because they provide shade and the low light area provided by a canopy actually increasing the amount of time fireflies have to find a mate. Also, the litter produced by pine trees, if left to accumulate, provides a good habitat for earthworms and other small animals which firefly larvae feed upon.
Do NOT introduce earthworms to you yard.
What’s so bad about a worm? For many of us, seeing earthworms under rocks, on sidewalks after rainstorms, and in our gardens is just a fact of life. Few of us think to question the presence of worms or their impact on fireflies.
The truth about earthworms is this: they are not native to any of the northern United States or Canada. Any worms that were here originally were wiped out during the last glaciation. It would be pretty hard for a creature that lives in the upper topsoil to survive the crushing weight, scraping, and sedimentary deposits of a mile-thick hunk of ice.
The impact of earthworms is not limited to plants. The reduction in plant diversity and leaf litter affects the habitat and food availability of insects such as fireflies, which affects the food chain on up, reducing the food available to reptiles, amphibians, birds and small mammals.
The earthworms we currently have in the region are of European origin (which are the same species that you can pick up at a bait shop) and were introduced by settlers ~300 years ago and have been on a human aided journey west since then. These non-native earthworms are contributing to some ecological effects in these glaciated areas that for the last ~12,000 years developed earthworms free. There are native earthworms along the East coast of North America but these populations are small and localized. Current research in that area is showing that these non-native earthworms are having negative effects on native earthworm species also.
Talk to your neighbors.
If you live in a suburban area in close proximity to others, what you do in your own yard will help—but you can create even more habitat for fireflies by enlisting your neighbors in your efforts. Tell your neighbors about your concern over dwindling firefly populations and what they can do to help. If you convince even one or two people on your street, you could help increase firefly habitat in your area even more.
Fireflies are disappearing all over the world. But there are a few things you could do to help—and every little bit counts. Allow some room for wildness on your property—low-hanging trees, forest litter, and long grasses all create welcoming environments for fireflies. Ponds and streams are crucial to firefly populations, and you can further encourage their numbers by reducing the amount of light in your yard at night and by cutting back on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Follow these tips, and it’s possible you could see a resurgence of fireflies in your area.

hey it's 2013!

hey hey whatsupp??? what's your resolution in 2013??? uhm kinda late.. it's february! too busy..