kue tradisional Indonesia ini emang manis dan gampang banget buatnya.
- 250gr Tepung Ketan (Glutinous Rice Flour)
- 50gr Tepung Beras (Rice Flour)
- 1 Sendok Teh Pasta Pandan (1 Teaspoon Pandan Paste Or Essence)
- 2 Sendok Teh Air Kapur
- 275ml Air (Water)
- 200gr Gula Merah Diiris Halus (Palm Sugar, Finely Chopped)
- 1/2 Butir Kelapa, Diparut Dulu (Freshly Grated Coconut)
- 1/4 Sendok Teh Garam (1/4 Teaspoon Salt)
- Campurkan tepung ketan dan tepung beras lalu aduk rata, tambahkan air kapur, dan pasta pandan. dan air sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk sampai adonan bisa dibentuk.
- kemudian ambil 1 sendok makan adonan, masukan 1/2 teh sendok gula kedalam adonan, dibuat bulat-bulat. lakukan adonan sampai habis.
- didihkan air dan masukan adonan yang telah dibentuk bulat tadi, biarkan hingga terapung, tandanya sudah matang. angkat dan tiriskan
- campurkan kelapa parut dan garam
- campurkan bulatan-bulatan klepon dengan kelapa parut yang sudah ditambahkan garam.
- Place the glutinous rice flour & rice flour in a mixing bowl and slowly add the water, and pandan paste, mixing with your hands. Stop adding water when the dough forms a ball that pulls away from the sides of the bowl but doesn't stick to your hands.
- Pull off about 1 teaspoon of dough and flatten into a disc. Place about 1/2 teaspoon of sugar in the middle. Fold up the edges and seal completely. Roll into a ball about 2 to 3 cm in diameter with the palms of your hands. Place on an oiled plate. Repeat until all the dough or sugar is finished.
- Heat a large pot of water until it starts to boil. Drop the balls one by one into the boiling water, making sure not to overcrowd the pot. When they float to the surface, let them cook for one more minute.
- Combine the grated coconut and salt on a plate.
- When they are cool, remove and drain well before rolling in the coconut-salt mixture. Serve immediately.