Thursday 5 July 2012

What's My Best School Subjects?

Waktu menghadapi sebuah masalah, reaksi pertama adalah....
Memikirkan terlebih dahulu jalan terbaik, then see if it works :)

Biasanya buku yang paling sering dibaca adalah...
National Geographic, Science Magazine, Discover Magazine

Bagaimana biasanya gua mempelajari sesuatu?
Biasanya sih working with others, cos I don't like doing it alone :/

Where do I prefer to learn?
Dimana aja, I just love doing practical things with an end result that I can see XP

Orang seperti apa yang gua ingin kan menjadi guru gua? 
People who relate to me and share their knowledge, friendship and culture.

What's My Best School Subjects?.....
Science XP

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