Sunday, 28 October 2012

start experiencing life when we begin working "in the real world"

It's been four months since I've started my high school in SMANTETRA. things haven't been easy so far, it feel like a whole new game play as compared to my earlier years. Assignments are much heavier and they demand my attention every day :/
Sometimes when I sit amidst my workload, my mind wanders off to think about what little days I have left as a student. The closing of another chapter in my life tempts me to revisit bits and pieces of my past. Surprisingly, what amuses me most are the ways that each chapter transitions into the next and how drastic situations compel me to fight and toughen up. Each transition shaped me in ways that I never expected it to, and I changed

I grew^^

I have to admit though the uncertainty of the future scares me. There’s that everlasting fear, the gripping kind which reminds me that the only constant in the world is change. I treasure the comfort zones that I’ve built after each time Life decided to rain on me, and I fought hard to get to where I am now. The thought of having to prepare myself again for another wave squeezes my heart a little, but I guess that’s why lessons are best learned the hard way

People say that we only start experiencing life when we begin working "in the real world". if that's the case, then this new chapter that I'm about to experience will be The Big Bang of my life. The anticipation?? excruciating
I don't really like the rain.. any cold, wet things, I don't really..